Vegansk Lys Sirup?

Hej, læste at det kunne være at nogle firmaer bruger dyre fedt til at koge skummet væk, men at det ikke var ofte, og at vegetabilsk olie også kan bruges, i har skrevet at i ikke bruger animalske produkter i sukker, vil bare lige være sikker, mange tak! 😃

tekst halløjsa
"Usually, maple syrup is vegan. But during the production process, a lot of foam can be created. Sometimes manufacturers use animal fat to help remove the foam that's produced when boiling the sap. While this isn't common, it is possible. However, this process can also easily be done using vegetable oil which is the defoamer of choice.

How can you know for sure? First, check the product labels and ingredient list. Second, if you're still not sure you should contact the manufacturers and ask them directly. Third, you can choose to buy organic maple syrup which only uses organic vegetable oils in it's production."


  • Vi bruger ikke nogle former for animalke produkter i hverken vores sukekr eller vores sirup.

    Med venlig hilsen

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